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Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera

Plant name  Aloe Vera

Botanical name  Aloe Vera

Tag  Sacred Plant

Introduction  Aloe vera is a succulent plant of 500 species, this invasive specie originated from the Arabian Peninsula.


Best Direction  North East

Alternate Direction  North East

Maximum Energy   Leaf

Dominant Planet   Ketu

Polarity   Male


Aura strength   24 Ft

Dominating Lecher frequency   1.1 Hz

Characterstics   Ketu Balancing

Vastu Benefits   Knowledge, Spirituality, Travel, Loyalty

Avoid Direction   South East, South West

Harmful radiation   NILL


Vastu Harms if in wrong direction   Loss of belief, satisfaction, Loss of Money, Trust Image

Effect on body if in wrong direction   Deficiency of B-complex, Kuph, Throat infection


Conclusion   Aloe Vera is a sacred plant with a wide aura of positive energy. It helps to elevate kuph and crown chakra activation.