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Plant name    Mari Gold

Botanical name   Tagetes

Tag  Sacred plant

Introduction   Tagetes is native to Mexico and has documentary record of the ceremonial and medicinal use.


Best Direction   North East

Alternate Direction   South

Maximum Energy   Flower

Dominant Planet   Ketu

Polarity   Male


Aura strength   17 Ft

Dominating Lecher Frequency   4.1 Hz

Benefits   Crown Chakra Balancing

Vastu Benefits   Knowledge, Fearlessness, Fame

Avoid Direction   East, West

Harmful Radiation   NILL


Vastu Harms if in wrong direction   Loans, Creativity, Court cases

Effect on body if in wrong direction   Immunity, Dumbness, Phosphorusdeficiency


Conclusion   Mari Gold is a scared plant with energies of Ketu and Jupiter. It spreads a healing aura to 17 Ft radius that is helpful in removing. InfraRed negative, UltraVoilet negative it also heals deep rooted pitradosh effects.