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Plant name   Jade

Botanical name   Crassula ovata

Tag   Spiritual Plant

Introduction   Mozambique native is common as a house plant world-wide. The Jade plant requires little water and can survive in in-door conditions. It is also called as the money tree.


Best Direction   South West

Alternate Direction   West, South

Maximum Energy   Stem

Dominant Planet   Rahu

Polarity   Female


Aura strength   24 Ft

Dominating Lecher Frequency   2.4 Hz

Characterstics   Earth Element Balancing


VastuBenefits   Stability, Saving, Relationship, Knowledge

Avoid Direction   South East, North west


Harmful Radiation   NILL

Vastu Harms if in wrong direction   Wastefull expenses, Issues in relationships.

Effect on body if in wrong direction   Vaat Tridosh, Decresing memory.


Conclusion   Jade plant is about storage of knowledge, wealth and relationship. It increases foresightedness and wrongly placement creates harmfuleffects in Apaan Vayu.

I would recommend Jade plant to be in every house. It`s placement has given high percentage of improved results in my routine vastu practice.