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Plant name    Rose

Botanical name   Rosa rubiginosa

Tag   Sacred Plant

Introduction   It has a delicate and sweet smell. Desi gulab is the best which is why its beautiful aroma has a soothing effect on the body and the mind


Best Direction   South East

Alternate Direction   South East

Maximum Energy   Root

Dominant Planet   Venus

Polarity   Female


Aura strength   16 Ft

Dominating Lecher Frequency  4.1 Hz

Benefits   Venus Balancing

Vastu Benefits   Prosperity, Cash Flow, Health, Celebration

Avoid Direction   North east, South west, North west

Harmful Radiation   NILL


Vastu Harms if in wrong direction   Fear, Suspicion, Hardwork

Effect on body if in wrong direction   Skin, Diabetes, Gall Bladder, Uterus, Patches


Conclusion   Rose is a good plant to be used in South East Direction, to invite vibrations of Venus. Placing it in any other direction will create imbalance in compound energy flow.