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Neem plant

Neem plant

Plant name   Neem

Botanical name   Azadirachta indica

Tag   Sacred plant

Introduction   Native of Indian Sub continent. Neem trees have been used in the traditional medicine of India for centuries


Best Direction   South East

Alternate Direction   North West

Maximum Energy   Root

Dominant Planet   Venus

Polarity   Male


Aura strength   27 Ft

Dominanting Lecher Frequency      1.1 Hz 

 Vastu Benefits   Positive events in life invited with full zest

Avoid Direction   West & South West

Harmful Radiation   NILL


Vastu Harms if in wrong direction   Limited opening to life opportunities, Cash Crunch, improper planning, Dispute with father/Mother.

Effect on body if in wrong direction   Constipation, Brain Fluid


Conclusion   Neem tree is good to be planted in lawn but it grows too heavy which disturbs weight distribution within the property. But weight factor does not matter if:

a) Tree is planted at a distance that could affect house/boundary walls.

b) Tree is planted in South East or North West directions.