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Plant name Papaya

Botanical name  Carica papaya

Tag    Neutral Plant

Introduction  Papaya is used in Southeast Asian cooking, both raw and cooked. In some parts of Asia, the young leaves of the papaya are also eaten.


Best Direction  North east

Alternate Direction  North east

Maximum Energy  Trunk

Dominant Planet   Ketu

Polarity   Female


Aura strength   16 Ft

Dominating Lecher Frequency   4.1 Hz

Benefits   Ketu and Jupiter Balancing

Vastu Benefits   Wisdom, Detachment, Contentment

Avoid Direction   South East, South, North West

Harmful Radiation   InfraRed (-) 24Ft, UltraVoilet (-) 15Ft


Vastu Harms if in wrong direction   Debt, Isolation, Finances, PitraDosh like effects.

Effect on body if in wrong direction   Vommit, Depression, Skin, Diarrhea.


Conclusion   Papaya tree is a blesing and a curse. At one level it keeps wisdom and knowledge, increases kuph (Jupiter & Ketu) but on the other hand it does not balance fire element and thus Uranus, Venus and Pluto result into problem in family.