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Snake plant

Snake plant

Plant name  Snake plant

Botanical name  Sansevieria trifasciata

Tag  Sacred Plant

Introduction  Sanke Plant is native to tropical West Africa it’s a house plant being tolerant of low light levels and irregular watering.


Best Direction  North East

Alternate Direction   North

Maximum Energy   Leaf

Dominant Planet   Jupiter

Polarity   Male


Aura strength   24 feet

Dominating Lecher frequency   1.1 Hz

Characterstics   Air and Water

Vastu Benefits   New opportunities, Life Vision, Joyful, Wisdom

Avoid Direction   South East

Harmful radiation   NILL


Vastu Harms if in wrong direction   Isolation, Introvert, Cash crunch

Effect on body if in wrong direction    Digestive, Liver, Gall blader


Conclusion   Snake plant is a good source of air and water Elements and some energy of earth element, also recommended by NASA. It is a fresh wave of energies with a good aura radius.